Movements that Heal – Harald Blomberg with Moira Dempsey – Bookpal Qld Australia 2011. Download Bibliograpy
RMTi in the Classroom - The influences of a primitive reflex integration programme within the classroom: teacher/parent perspectives and student results - Tessa M. Grigg - 2018
Abstract and Table of Contents - Rebooting Development With A Rhythmic Motor Intervention – Mary Gazca - Unpublished Research Paper Dissertation – St Catherine’s University Minneapolis MN USA - 2012
The Voice of Parents Who Have Used Rhythmic Movement Training with Their Child - Tessa M. Grigg - 2016.
Retained Primitive Reflexes - Perceptions of Parents Who Have Used Rhythmic Movement Training With Their Children – Tessa Grigg, Wendy Fox-Turnbull and Ian Culpan – Journel of Child Healthcare - March 2018.
Listening, Auditory Processing, Reflex links and support with RMT - Evonne Bennell 2016.
Dyslexia, RMT and Reflexes - Moira Dempsey 2015.
Rhythmic Movement Training (RMTi) works witht Rhythmic Movement Disorder (RMD) - Moira Dempsey 2015.
Rhythmic Movement Training (RMTi) and working with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Moira Dempsey.
Primitive Reflexes and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Developmental Origins of Classroom Dysfunction - Myra Taylor, Stephen Houghton and Elaine Chapman - The University of Western Australia – International Journal of Special Education 2004, Vol 19, No1
Reflexes Gone Astray in Autism - Philip Teitelbaum, Osnat B. Teitelbaum, Joshua Fryman, and Ralph Maurer
Movement analysis in infancy may by useful for early diagnosis of autism - Philip Teitelbaum, Osnat B. Teitelbaum, Joshua Fryman, and Ralph Maurer
Primitive Reflexes and Their Relationship to Delayed Cortical Maturation, under connectivity and Functional Disconnection in Childhood Neurobehavioral Disorders - Robert Melillo - FNRE (2011) ISSN: 2156-941X Volume 1, Issue 2 pp. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Retained Primitive Reflexes and ADHD in Children - Jana Konicarova and Petr Bob - Activitas Nervosa Superior 2012, 54, No. 3-4
Principles of Dissolution and Primitive Reflexes in ADHD - Jana Konicarova & Petr Bob - Activitas Nervosa Superior 2013, 55, No. 1-2
Persisting primitive reflexes in medication-naive girls with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorderPersisting primitive reflexes in medication-naive girls with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder - Jana Kornicarova, Petr Bob, Jiri Raboch (Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 19 September 2013)
Primary reflex persistence in children with reading difficulties (dyslexia): A cross-sectional study. - McPhillips M, Jordan-Black J-A. - Neuropsychologia 2007; 45: 748-754
The effect of social disadvantage on motor development in young children: a comparative study. - McPhillips M, Jordan-Black J-A. - Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2007; 48(12): 1214-1222
The effects of the Primary Movement programme on the academic performance of children attending ordinary primary school. - Jordan-Black J-A. - Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 2005; 5(3): 101-111
Prevalence of persistent primary reflexes and motor problems in children with reading difficulties - McPhillips M, Sheehy N. - Dyslexia 2004; 10(4): 316-338
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The Grasp Reflex and Moro Reflex in Infants: Hierarchy of
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Primitive Reflexes and Postural Reactions in the Neurodevelopmental ExaminationPrimitive Reflexes and Postural Reactions in the Neurodevelopmental Examination Dimitrios I. Zafeiriou, MD, PhD - Pediatr Neurol. 2004 Jul;31(1):1-8
Planned Birth Before 39 Weeks and Child Development: A Population-Based Study - Jason P. Bentley, et al published in PEDIATRICS Volume 138, number 6, December 2016
Head Lag in Infants at Risk for Autism:A Preliminary Study - Joanne Flanagan et al - The American Journal Of Occupational Therapy - September/October 2013
Motor Impairment in Sibling Pairs Concordant and Discordant for Autism Spectrum Disorders - Hilton, Claudia List et al. - Autism : the international journal of research and practice 16.4 (2012)
Moving with the Brain in Mind – Eric Jensen – Educational Leadership – November 2000
Mutism, Elective Mutism, Selective Mutism – Svea Gold - Fern Ridge Press – OR USA 2003
Behavior During the Prenatal Period: Adaptive for Development and Survival -Peter Hepper, Martin McPhillips
Babies Naturally – Bette Lamont – Seattle Washington – 2009
Baby Walkers – Australian Physiotherapy Association – Position Paper – November 2007
Associations between Media Viewing and Language Development in Children Under Age 2 Years - Frederick J Zimmerman, PhD; Dimitri A Christakis, MD MPH: Andrew N Meltzoff PhD - The Journal of Pediatrics • April 2007
Infant Reflexes and Adult Development – Sensory Integration through Movement - Eve Kodiak
Rhythm, movement, and autism:
using rhythmic rehabilitation research as a model for autism - Michelle W. Hardy and A. Blythe LaGasse - Frontiers
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A dynamic developmental theory of Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) predominantly hyperactive/impulsive and combined Subtypes - Terje Sagvolden, Espen Borgå Johansen, Heidi Aase, Vivienne Ann Russell - Behavioral and Brain Sciences (in press) © 2004 Cambridge University Press
Reversing Letters, Asymmetric Tonic Neck, Neck Retraction Reflexes and Apraxia are Predictive of Dyslexia - Hala A Shaheen
Improving fine motor skills in young children: an intervention study – Brown CG - Educational Psychology in Practice 2010; 26(3): 269-278
Neural substrates underlying fear-evoked freezing: the periaqueductal grey - cerebellar link. - Stella Koutsikou, Jonathan J. Crook, Emma V. Earl, J. Lianne Leith, Thomas C. Watson, Bridget M. Lumb, Richard Apps. The Journal of Physiology, 2014; DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2013.268714
The History of Reflexes Part 1: Saturday, December 15 2012, 12:09 PM The History of Reflexes Part 1: From Descartes to Pavlov - Clarac, F (2005) The History of Reflexes Part 1: From Descartes to Pavlov, IBRO History of Neuroscience
ADHD: 10 years On – Philip Shaw Phd - Cerebrum April 2013
The Darkness Within: Individual Differences In Stress – George F Koob PhD - Cerebrum April 2015
One of A Kind: The Neurobiology of Individuality - Richard J. Davidson – Cerebrum June 2014
Play, Stress and the Learning Brain – Sam Wang PhD and Sandra Aamodt PhD – Cerebrum Sept 2012
Axons Help New Neurons Travel During Development - Kayt Sukel - August 2015
Brain in the News
The myth of the “educational” toy – Fred Barbash The Washington Post 22 December 2014
The Low down on Longhand: How writing by Hand Benefits the Brain – Ainissa Ramirez Edutopia Aug 6, 2014
Unstoppable Learning – NPR/Ted Radio Hour April 26. 2013
How the Brain Learns from Mistakes – Kayt Sukel – October 16 2012
How Children Succeed - Paul Tough – Slate September 5, 2015
Rhythm and Music Help Math Students – Sophie Bushwick – Scientific American: 60 Second Science March 27, 2012
Special Educators Borrow From Brain Studies – Nirva Shah – Education Week – January 17, 2012
Visualizing How We Read – Carl Sherman – The Dana Foundation – March 25, 2011
Rhythm, Movement and Autism - Michelle Hardy and Blythe Grasse - NCBI - March 28, 2013
Brain Based Learning: Resource Roundup
from National Scientific Council on the Developing Child – Center on the Developing Child Harvard University –
The Science of Early Childhood Development – Closing the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do
Working Papers
National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2004). Young Children Develop in an Environment of Relationships: Working Paper No. 1.
Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University (2011). Building the Brain’s “Air Traffic Control” System: How Early Experiences Shape the Development of Executive Function: Working Paper No. 11.
National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2010). Persistent Fear and Anxiety Can Affect Young Children’s Learning and Development: Working Paper No. 9.
Rich Experiences, Physical Activity Create Healthy Brains: An Interview with Developmental Psychologist William Greenough
Critical Periods in the Development of Fear
The Polyvagal Theory for Treating Trauma - Stephen W. Porges, PhD interview with Ruth Buczynski, PhD - The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine www.nicabm.com
Beyond the Brain: How the Vagal System Holds the Secret to Treating Trauma - Stephen W. Porges, PhD interview with Ruth Buczynski, PhD - The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine www.nicabm.com 2013
Neuroception: A Subconscious System for Detecting Threats and Safety – Stephen W Porges - Zero to Three May 2004
Ayres, A.J. (1995): Sensory Integration and the Child. Western Psychological Services.USA.
Bowman, Katy (2013): Alignment Matters - Propriometrics Press USA
Doidge, Norman (2007): The Brain that Changes Itself. Scribe USA
Doidge, Norman (2015): The Brain's Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries for the Frontiers or Neuroplasticity. Scribe USA
Goddard, Sally (1996): A Teacher's Window into the Child's Mind. Fern Ridge Press USA
Goddard, Sally (2002): Reflexes, Learning & Behaviour. Fern Ridge Press. USA
Goddard Blythe, Sally (2009): Attention, Balance and Coordination. Wiley-Blackwell
Goddard Blythe, Sally (2014): Neuromotor Immaturity in Children and Adults. Wiley Blackwell
Herschkowitz, Norbert and Chapman Herschkowitz, Elinore (2004): A Good Start in Life: Understanding Your Child's Brain and Behavior from Birth to Age 6 - Dana Books
Ratey, John J, MD (2008): Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. Little Brown
Porter, Kathleen (2010): Sad Dog Happy Dog: How poor posture affects your child's health & what you can do about it - Mekevan Press
Wang, Sam and Aamodt, Sandra (2011): Welcome to Your Child's Brain: How the Mind Grows from Conception to College - Bloomsbury
Paul H Lipkin (2009): Motor Development and Dysfunction – From Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics – Fourth Edition Chapter 66